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Forest Lawn Museum

This Easter, be sure to visit Forest Lawn Museum in Glendale, CA for a unique and memorable religious experience. Admission is free! For more information, please visit:

Forest Lawn Museum is one of the most unique and beautiful museums in all of Glendale, CA. It’s home to a variety of permanent exhibits that tell the story of different cultures and religions from all around the world.

To give you some background, Forest Lawn in Glendale was founded in 1947 by Dr. Hubert Eaton and his wife, Dr. Florence SCarter-Eaton. It was originally meant as a cemetery alternative to the traditional burial, which focused on mourning and sadness. The Eatons believed that people should celebrate life and be happy in death, so they designed Forest Lawn to be a park-like memorial rather than a place of mourning. As they state on their official website, “Our continuing desire is to furnish proper memorials that will free generations yet unborn from limitations imposed by sorrow or time.”

Forest Lawn was always designed with the help of architects and designers who were well-versed in the art. Since it is based on nature, the buildings, art, and overall design are meant to look like an outdoor park. It’s definitely worth a visit if you’re interested in architecture or landscape design!

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Mor Air Inc. of Glendale

Business Information:

Mor Air Inc. of Glendale
1010 N Central Ave Suite 100, Glendale CA, 91202

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